4 Ingredients For The Perfect Instagram Caption

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While writing the perfect Instagram caption isn’t exactly rocket science, it can sometimes feel that way when no one is engaging with your posts or buying your products. Instagram is a very visual platform, but the text you place below your piece of content matters just as much as the photo or video you posted with it. There’s a specific formula we use when writing for our clients, and today we’re sharing it with you so that you can experience the same increase in engagement for yourself.

There are 4 simple ingredients to the perfect Instagram caption. Let’s dive in!

Ingredient #1: Catchy Headline

You have around 10-15 words before Instagram makes the reader tap “more” to view the rest of the caption. This is part 2 of their 1st impression. The image stopped the scroll, but will the caption make them stay? These first 10-15 words should pique their interest in a specific topic. For example:

“If you’re an online boutique owner, don’t make THIS mistake when setting up your store… 👀 “

“Follower count does NOT = $$$. You can build a profitable online business by…⁠"

“How To: Take Product Pictures At Home On A Budget”

Each of these headlines tells the reader exactly what they need to know to make the instant decision of “Should I click more?”


Ingredient #2: Short Intro Paragraph

Before diving off the deep end, you need to connect the dots between the teaser in the headline and the main point(s) of your body paragraphs. This is where a quick, 2-sentence intro paragraph comes in, and often it points out the reader’s pain point. Not enough sales on Shopify? Bad lighting in product photos? Not booking enough new clients? Call out those pain points in the intro paragraph, then quickly outline how your product or service helps them overcome that.

For example, the following intro paragraph was used in a recent Insight Social Instagram post announcing a new blog post. It addresses the challenge choosing the right platform.

“With a variety of platform options for your brand to show up on social media, it can be hard to decide which one(s) will serve your brand and audience best.⁠”

Ingredient #3: Body Paragraph(s)

When you get to the “main event” in your caption, break up the text into multiple paragraphs so it’s easy on the reader to digest. No one wants to read what looks like a dictionary on Instagram. Take the time to make it visually appealing by using a platform like Later to schedule your posts. Don’t forget to add your branded emojis whenever appropriate. Whether you’re teaching, selling or telling a personal story, the body paragraphs keep the reader engaged and moving through to the final element of your caption, the direct call-to-action.

Ingredient #4: Direct Call-To-Action

Fact: Call-to-actions include more than just “click link in bio to purchase.” We’ve all seen this one before, and while it might make you roll your eyes, it has a place in your call-to-action line up. Yes, there’s a line up, a variety of CTA’s you should be using to boost engagement, drive sales and/or book more clients. If you’re on Instagram to make money, every single caption should end with a CTA. Here are a few of our favorites:

Increase Reach: “Share this with a friend to …”
Increase Engagement: “Tag a friend who…”
Increase Engagement: “Save this for when you…”
Increase Sales/New Clients: “Only X spots (or products) left in stock. Head to link in bio to grab your…”

Happy Writing!