5 Social Media Tips For Growth In 2021

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We can all agree that 2020 was a year of major change, and those changes poured over into the social media strategies of brands everywhere. We saw them speak up for the cultural movements they believe in, take a more personal approach to their content, learn how to do the “WOAH” and so much more! With that being said, today we’re sharing a list of 5 social media tips that will help your brand grow and stand out in the New Year.

Make sure to stay tuned to our blog and social channels as we’ll be diving into more strategy-related topics and tutorial-style posts in 2021.

#1: Make short-form video a priority on Instagram and TikTok.

With all the updates to social media (Instagram specifically) we’ve seen over the course of 2020, we’re 100% sure that short-form video will become even more important in 2021. There are a number of different iPhone apps and software out there available to create high-quality videos, so if your brand is on social media, it’s time to throw the “video is to expensive/time consuming” out the window. Don’t worry, we’ll be sharing a lot more video-creating tutorials in the New Year to help you out!

#2: Plan out your content quarterly based on new product releases/goals.

Get ahead of the game NOW by using quarterly content calendars. While you don’t have to have every single piece of content planned out, it’s helpful to have an overview of your quarterly and monthly goals. What new releases do you have launching? Are you focused on brand awareness or growing your email list? Each of these questions (and more) will help keep you on track each month. Pro Tip: Make a note in your calendar to refresh your hashtag groups each quarter to reflect your content updates.

#3: Send more DMs, connect with more people.

Set aside time each day to engage with your audience. This is more important than ever as more brands are fighting for views on their content. We recommend separating your engagement sessions into two categories: current audience members and new potential customers/clients. Remember that when you’re engaging with anyone online you want to leave thoughtful comments (and/or messages). It’s 2020 and we can spot a bot comment a mile away!

#4: Perform a content audit.

Before you can start creating a strategy for the New Year, you need to take a look at what happened in 2020. What performed well? What didn’t perform well? Collectively we all spent more time on social media this year (most while working from home), so it’s important to really dive into your analytics before strategizing. You can view the analytics in the native social media apps, or use a 3rd party platform like Later to do a deep dive.

#5: Let go of the vanity metrics.

Speaking of analytics, it’s time to stop putting so much weight on vanity metrics (aka follows and likes). We all know by now that you don’t need 10,000 followers to make $10,000 per month. Simply put… vanity metrics don’t pay the bills, so instead of focusing on vanity metrics in the New Year, try focusing on:

  • Sales/Conversions

  • Email Subscribers

  • Increase in High-Level Engagement (saves, comments, shares)

Interested in leveling up your social media for the New Year? Book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call with Insight Social HERE