4 Ways To Share Customer Testimonials

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Let’s get one thing very clear… social proof is EVERYTHING, and if you’re not highlighting your customer testimonials, you’re missing out on new business. It’s 2020 and everyone reads reviews, from Amazon gadgets to working with social media managers (like us!), we as consumers do our research. Today we’re sharing 4 quick and easy ways to share your customer testimonials, maximizing their potential reach.

#1: In-Feed Graphic Post

One of our favorite ways to share reviews for our clients is through their Instagram and Facebook accounts. We create a branded graphic through Canva, and periodically share customer reviews and even tag the customer if possible! Check out this example from our client, Bob King Mercedes:

#2: IG Story Series, Create Highlight

Since your brand’s Instagram profile is like the new “homepage” of your website, creating a separate Highlight for Customer Reviews is very beneficial for first-time visitors. Make sure that you’re updating these as frequently as possible so current and new audience members can see who you’re working with! Pro Tip: Create an additional Highlight for client work examples! If someone is interested in working with you, they’ll be able to see a snippet of your portfolio AND social proof all in one place!

#3: Email Marketing Campaigns

Emails are another great place to include some social proof, and there are a couple of different ways you can go about it. You can create an entire email full of reviews and title it “What our clients have to say about working with us…”. Another option would be to include a 1-2 sentence review at the bottom of your emails and set a reminder in your calendar to change it out every 2-3 months.

#4: Homepage of Website

While you may already have customer testimonials loaded on your website, we’re including it in our list now just in case it’s been a while since you’ve updated them. Your social media may get more daily traffic, but it’s still important to keep fresh testimonials loaded on your website.

Pro Tip: Ask for reviews on a regular basis! If you sell physical products, place a card in your customer’s package directing them to a space online where they can leave a review (Facebook Page, Google, Feedback Form on Website, etc). if you’re a service-based business, ask for a review after a few months of working together. You don’t have to wait until the two of you part ways!